Suffering from Back Pain in Houston?
Natural & Drug-Free Pain Relief Starts Here
If you are like the millions of Americans who suffer from chronic or acute back pain, you know all too well how this pain can stop you from living an active life. Whether you experience spasms, soreness, or stiffness, back pain that lasts for more than six weeks may never ‘get better with time. In fact, for many back pain sufferers, their condition only worsens, even with restricted activity. That’s because conventional treatments that rely on medication only treat the symptoms of back pain, not the true causes of this pain. Chiropractic care is different. At Westchase Wellness Chiropractic Center in Houston, we treat the root cause of our patients’ back pain for long-lasting pain relief without drugs or surgery.
How Chiropractic Adjustments Relieve Back Pain in Houston
Improperly lifting heavy objects, an accidental slip, and fall, or simply natural wear and tear over time may cause a misalignment in the spine. When the spine is out of alignment, the vertebra may compress nearby nerves, triggering a radiating or numbing pain sensation along the length of the nerve. The result: recurring back pain that compromises your quality of life. Stress, an overuse injury, excess weight, a sedentary lifestyle, and poor posture can exacerbate your back pain.
Unfortunately, most conventional medical treatments for back pain rely on medication or surgery. Prescription painkillers work by masking the symptoms of back pain. Once the drugs wear off, the back pain will return, which can lead to a dangerous cycle of dependency. Surgery is invasive and can be risky; failed back surgery can result in even more severe pain.
If you are struggling with chronic back pain, chiropractic care can help. Chiropractic adjustments are a drug-free, non-invasive pain management technique that targets the root cause of your back pain. Adjustments gently and safely bring correct alignment back to the spine, alleviating never compression and dysfunction. This also eases tension in the muscles and connective tissues. By restoring the bones of the spinal column to their proper position, chiropractic adjustments deliver long-lasting pain relief without the need for medication.
Live Your Life With Less Back Pain: Call Our Houston Chiropractor
Our Houston chiropractor Dr. John Huang has an outstanding reputation in chiropractic care, including spinal adjustments, the Graston Technique, applied kinesiology, and functional medicine. By integrating complementary therapies with chiropractic adjustments, Dr. Huang helps patients achieve a pain-free lifestyle. Dr. Huang can also help you address other issues that may be triggering your back pain, including poor posture. Our Houston chiropractor may give you pointers for improving your posture, including ergonomic adjustments at work. Most importantly, this pain-free lifestyle doesn’t require potentially harmful prescription painkillers or risky, invasive surgery.
Imagine life with less back pain: you could spend more time with your family, play with your children, go running, or simply sleep comfortably through the night for the first time in years.
8:30am - 12:30pm
2:30pm - 6:00pm
8:30am - 12:30pm
8:30am - 12:30pm
2:30pm - 6:00pm
8:30am - 12:30pm
2:30pm - 6:00pm
8:30am - 12:30pm
2:30pm - 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Westchase Wellness Chiropractic Center
11231 Richmond Ave
Suite D 100A
Houston, TX 77082
P: (281) 493-6886
F: (281) 493-6811